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Showing posts with the label Rich Client Customization

Teamcenter: Introduction to Stylesheets

Rich Client Customization Types   The rich client uses several methods to control how it presents information. Stylesheet Stylesheets controls the layout of the user interface based on the object being viewed and the user session. Stylesheets are customized using configuration instead of coding. Stylesheet are defined in XMLRenderingStylesheet datasets. Stylesheets does not require deploy, it is stored on the server. New Stylesheets can be registered. Each commonly used business objects in Teamcenter (such as item revisions, forms, datasets and so on) has a stylesheet that defines the layout of its properties in the user interface. Stylesheets are used in: Summary view Property dialog box Create dialog box Save As dialog box Revise dialog box Form display How Stylesheet Works The Object type being viewed and the viewer being used determines name of the preference that has to be used. For example, if ItemRevision object is being viewed in Summary viewer. then the preference used is Item