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Basics of Teamcenter Query Builder

Query Builder application in Teamcenter allows you to create customized searches for objects  in both local and remote Teamcenter databases. Basics of Query Builder Teamcenter Query is based on Teamcenter persistence data model. Refer  Teamcenter Data Model Layer   section to understand Teamcenter data model Query is created against any of the Teamcenter persistence class. Query criteria can be defined either on attribute of target object or for the related object which are related to search class through either GRM relation or reference. Referenced-by clauses allows creating query based on reversed-reference relationship. For example, query to find dataset objects that are referenced, through an IMAN_specification relationship, by an item revision with a specific name. Query hints assist user to navigate the schema by presenting a relationship to traverse and the steps required to build the relationships into query definition. For example, item to item-master form. Criteria can be mad