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Cascading vs Interdependent LOV

Cascading LOV  Cascading LOV or hierarchical LOV is an LOV whose values have their own sub-lovs. In Teamcenter, the cascading lovs are display as levels. We can setup multiple levels of values, the final level value selected is stored as property value Foe example, to define city property with cascading lov of st level as country, 2nd level as states and 3rd level as cities.  Steps to create cascading LOV Create a main classic LOV to hold the sub LOV's. All the values of the main LOV should have a sub LOV assigned. For example, in main LOV create with state names as value, then create sub LOV for each state with city names. Main LOV Open the main LOV created in BMIDE. Select the Show Cascading View check box. Cascading LOV view is not shown unless the check box is selected. Select a value in the main LOV and choose sub LOV. In the LOV selection dialog box, select the sub lov. In case not created, create the sub lov for each value in main LOV. Sub LOV Cascading View Attach the main